How to create a user?
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
You need to create new users, but you don't know how? This article will help you how to do it.
Note :
The creation of new users is only accessible to users with the GESTFOUR privilege or who are ADMIN and subject to having sufficient iSYBUY licenses activated. If you wish to add new licenses, simply send an e-mail to the support team.
In this article :
How to add a new user?
To create a new user, the first step is to go to the Management menu (1), then click on the Users tab (2).
Then click on "Create a user"
Then fill in the details of the user you wish to create.
Detailed explanation of the user file
There are 2 main blocks:
- User information
In particular, you'll find a validation key : the validation code that the user must enter to place orders (a security feature similar to a "pin code"), as well as the maximum commitment, which corresponds to the maximum commitment capacity, in euros (or according to the currency set for your agency), that the user can spend on orders.
The "Send first connection e-mail" box should be left ticked to ensure that the user receives his login details.
Once this information has been completed, don't forget to click on "Save".
- Information on modules and privileges
Depending on your contract, you can adapt user access to the various modules included in your contract, for both web and mobile applications. The privileges block lets you manage the rights that the user will be able to enjoy. You can define the scope of a privilege at different levels (establishment, company or group).
To find out more about privileges, please consult this article : Managing privileges.
Note :
If you wish to create a large number of users en masse, you can write to the iSYBUY Support team, and we'll explain how to proceed.
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
User - create - add - new - collaborator - privilege - rights - license - profile - configuration - first steps