New design of the "Suppliers" page
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To meet all your needs, we have redesigned the "Suppliers" page. Here you will find all the changes to make it easier for you to find your way around.
In this article :
- Banner where to find the different tabs
- Legal information" and "Details" tabs
- "Contact" tab
- Automatic registration
- Creating a supplier ?
Banner where to find the different tabs
The first difference is the banner where the different tabs can be found. It used to be above the information.
You'll find it on the left of your screen now.
Legal information" and "Details" tabs
In the old version, the name of the supplier was shown at the top of the page (1) and there were three separate categories, "Legal information" (2), "Details" (3) and "Visibility".
In the new version, the supplier's name is on the left of your screen just above the menu and in a larger font than before (1).
You'll also find the "Legal information" category (2), the category that used to be called "Details" is now called "Details" (3), and you'll also see a new "Custom fields" category (4) that lets you add information as you wish. If you click on the "+" (5) you can add as many fields as you like.
Note :
To find the "visibility" field that you had in the old version, you need to go below the display of the supplier's logo.
Contact tab
At first glance, you may feel that some of the tabs are missing. You had 6 tabs in the previous version.
To see the "Sales staff / Accountants" and "Worksites" tabs, click on the arrow next to "Contacts".
The "Company configuration" tab contains the "Current company" and "All companies" categories.
Automatic registration
You used to have a "supplier modification" button in red to validate the modifications you have made.
Today, this button no longer exists. Changes are saved automatically, and the box appears in green for a few seconds to show you this.
Note :
When you create a supplier, you will find the same differences as in the details of the supplier page.
Creating a supplier?
When you clicked on "Add a supplier", you were presented with a page on which you could fill in all the fields in the "General information" section (1). Once you had completed the form, all you had to do was click on "Create a supplier" (2) without having to scroll down the page.
You will now find the various fields on the new page to complete (1). However, it is important to remember to scroll down to see the last section, "Visibility" (2) and the "Create supplier" button (3).
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
Supplier - page - display - point of sale - sales contact - settings - order