Make a consultation project inactive and then active again
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
If you wish, you can make a consultation project inactive; you will always be able to consult it again.
When you make a consultation project inactive, all the lots associated with the project automatically change to "Completed" status. The same applies to all consultation projects associated with the same project, which will automatically be archived (inactive) if it is made inactive.
However, it is possible to reopen a "Completed" consultation batch by manual action, batch by batch.
In this article :
Making a consultation project inactive
The first step is to go to the "Projects" menu (1) then click on the one of your choice (2).
Once in your project, click on "Settings" at the top right of your screen.
Note :
Only users with write access to the consultation project (the pilot and co-pilot by default) have access to the "Settings" section.
Uncheck "Project status" if you want to make your project inactive.
Note :
Once the box has been unchecked, if you return to the consultation project summary, you will see that all the consultation batches associated with the project are now in "Completed" status.
Reopening a consultation batch
The first step is to go to the "Project" tab (1) and check that inactive project are visible by ticking the corresponding box (2). Then click on the one you want (3).
Then click on the "settings" button at the top right of your screen.
As a reminder, you can only see this button if you are the pilot or co-pilot of this project.
All you have to do now is click on the "Project status" button to reactivate it.
Note :
If you make a project inactive ("active" box unchecked) from the site master record, all consultation projects linked to this project will then be automatically archived (inactive status).
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
project - consultation - active - inactive - parameters - archived - consult