Enter a detailed budget by Analytical Code and/or Item
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
Entering a detailed budget is accessible to users with ADMIN, ADMIN_ACHAT or BUDGET privileges, and enables you to monitor the progress of your project as closely and accurately as possible.
Prerequisites for entering a detailed budget by Analytical Code and Item :
- You must have selected an analytical nomenclature in the agency file.
- You must have created a list of items for each site
Note :
The "Analytical codes" nomenclature is defined by the "ADMIN" Group user at "Group" level.
In this article :
How to enter a detailed budget by cost code or item ?
The first step is to go to the "Budget management" tab (1) in the "Management" menu (2).
Then click on "+ details".
Once the global data has been entered (at least the Purchasing budget and Progress), click on "Modify the detailed budget".
The page that opens gives you the option of displaying the detailed budget by Item or by Analytical Code, depending on the information you have previously entered in the tool (1), as well as the option of modifying the list of Items (2) and importing (3). You will also find the table (4) where you can enter the budget for each Analytical Code and Item, line by line.
Once all your lines have been filled in, the Global Total line (1) appears at the bottom of the table, showing the sum of all the Budgets (€) and the average advance (%).
Note :
The last line of the table, the "Not filled in" line (2), is an automatic calculation corresponding to the difference between the sum of the budgets per item and the overall budget.
Item Management
If you click on the "Manage items" tab, a pop-up window will appear allowing you to make the changes you want to the various items that will appear in your budget management.
In this pop-up window, you can add new jobs (1) and also copy data from Excel (2). You can then manually fill in all the data corresponding to the position (3) and decide whether or not you want to make it active and visible (4) by ticking or unticking the boxes. Once you have completed all the information, click on "Submit" (5).
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
Budget monitoring - purchasing budget - analytical code - item - budget management - financial monitoring - purchasing