Selection of the temporary employment agency when creating a temporary worker
To make it easier for users to manage temporary staff, we have added a field that lets you select the temporary employment agency from the drop-down list that appears when creating temporary staff.
In his article :
How to attach a temporary employment agency to a temporary worker when creating it ?
The first step is to go to the "Admin" menu (1) and then click on the "Personnel" tab (2).
When you click on "Pointage", the "Add a temporary worker" button is accessible. When the pop-up window opens, you can enter the surname, first name and BTP card number of the new employee, as well as the temporary employment agency to which he or she is attached, by clicking on the drop-down menu.
The temporary employment agency entered previously is available on the new temporary worker's personal file.
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
Add - temp - agency - temping - check-in