Change the default basket display : list or mosaic
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
To improve your shopping experience on the iSYBUY tool, we are now offering you the option of optimising the display of your shopping basket by selecting the 'list' mode, in addition to the 'mosaic' mode activated by default.
In this article :
How to change the default basket display ?
This is the classic 'mosaic' display. It's very clear, but when there are several dozen items in the shopping basket it can be hard to find your way around.
We have added the option of switching to 'List' view, by clicking on the red-framed button indicated by the arrow. Here is the result with the same articles: a more condensed display, but where the essential information is still present.
Note :
The display you choose will be saved in your browser by default for future orders.
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Related keywords :
display - basket - view - list - mosaic - buy