The service article
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
To meet all your needs, iSYBUY offers different types of item: purchase, hire and service, each with its own specific features. This article explains how to order service items.
This type of item is available by default to all users with the CMDHORSCAT or ADMIN privilege.
Note : By default, the order type is set to "standard".
In this article :
Adding service items to the basket
If you choose to add an item to the basket using free input, the first window will give you the option of selecting the "Service" type (1). You will then be asked to fill in a minimum amount of information in order to place an order: the amount and the desired delivery date (2).
You can also click on "+Add more information" if you want to add more (3).
In the new window that opens, you can also choose the type of order you are going to place (1). Then add your order to the basket (2).
A filter dedicated to service items on the "Receive" page
In the "Receive" tab, in the filters (1) you have the option of displaying only your service items (2). By default, all item types will be displayed.
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Related keywords :
Type - item - order - service - filter - receive - purchase