New types of general terms and conditions
The terms used in the article below correspond to iSYBUY. To find iBAT equivalents, click on this link.
To meet all your needs, iSYBUY offers different types of order: standard, regularisation, subcontracting, open, rental and service.
This type of item is available by default to all users with the CMDHORSCAT or ADMIN privilege. By default, the order type is set to "standard".
In this article :
Where to add GTCs ?
In the company file, you previously only had the option of adding CGAs for standard, subcontracting and rental orders, as you can see below.
New GTC types
You can now also add GTCs for open and service orders.
Note :
If you have not added any new GTCs to your company, the standard ones will automatically be used when an order is placed.
Note :
- If you have not entered any GTCs specific to the type of order you are placing, the GTCs for the Standard order will be attached by default.
- If you have different types of items in your order, the GTCs for the type of item no. 1 in your basket will be applied.
- If you have different types of items in your basket but you enter a specific order 'type' (via the drop-down menu), the CGAs corresponding to this order type will be sent.
Do you have any other questions we haven't thought of? Send us your request at this address. We look forward to hearing from you!
Keywords related to this article :
New - types - CGA - order - basket - purchase