How to clock in staff in the weekend ?
On some sites, you may have staff working at the weekend, but you don't see Saturday, for example, on the Time & Attendance screen. So you're stuck and can't clock in at weekends.
But there is a setting you can use to overcome this problem !
In this article:
Settings in the Worksite's page
The first step is to go to the "Admin" menu (1) and then click on the "Worksite" tab (2).
Once in the "Jobs" tab, click on the job of your choice to go to its description.
Once you're on the 'Worksite' page, you'll see a 'Worksite day' box. By default, the days are defined as Monday to Friday, but you can of course change this for each site.
If you want to be able to clock staff in on Saturdays too, you simply need to define the "Monday - Saturday" time slot as a site day.
Check-in results
You will then see Saturday in the possible days for scoring.
Note :
As with the other days of the week, you can specify the number of hours worked for weekend days in the "Staff" file. As with other days of the week, this information will also appear in the time clock.
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Related keywords :
clocking in - staff - saturday - sunday - weekend - site - settings - modification - time